Houston Climate Justice Zone

In 2022 the Hive Fund made initial multiyear grants to 20 groups working in and with organizations in Houston’s Northeast quadrant to meet community-identified needs of increased resilience and energy efficiency, affordable clean energy access, and equitable and clean mobility. By centering community vision as the core of this grant strategy, we honor a long history of strong community organizing and leadership in these neighborhoods, as well as the call to prioritize those hit first and worst by pollution and climate impacts.

Workers installing solar on a home

Solar installation in Houston, courtesy of Solar United Neighbors

The Hive Fund hired trusted project management and coordination consultants to foster collaboration and help groups prepare for new federal funding opportunities. These consultants helped convene and are now supporting a new NE Houston Collaborative, facilitating partnerships with allies in city and county governments, and helping connect groups with tailored technical assistance, including a customized primer to help groups understand the different federal funding opportunities.

Some projects are already underway, including solar installations on homes and advanced planning with local government on priority resilience hubs. Next phases of work include capacity assessments and strengthening for applying for and receiving EPA block grants, as well as co-designing and implementing home repair, weatherization/efficiency, and solar loan products for low- to moderate-income households in partnership with the Texas green bank. The collaborative was also selected to participate in the Design Workshop Foundation’s inaugural Community Capacity Building Initiative.

resources for understanding federal finance opportunities

IRA 101 for grantee partners

IRA and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding Opportunities: A Primer for Northeast Houston Communities

The learnings from this emerging work in Houston are informing our approach as we fundraise for expanded grantmaking additional zones across the South. To learn more about funding partnerships, contact nandini@hivefund.org.


Solar energy and its cheaper bills are coming to more disadvantaged communities


How Houstonians are turning their homes into solar-powered hubs for neighbors during outages

Houston Chronicle

Houston Landing